Henry Sharpe / #505


  • same models .. same style

    Henry Sharpe = "Antonio Clemens" I think

  • definitely Antonio Clemens

  • Hi there!
    I'm not Antonio Clemens!
    We're old friends. Antonio studied to shoot adults from me. Then he started to do it better than me. We often work together and we have common model, but we are different people.

  • That is also my shooting:
    https://www.thenude.eu/pts_H Sharpe_1729.htm#Covers

    This is my very close friend, his name is Alexander, but he's not me:
    https://www.thenude.eu/pts_Antonio Clemens_780.htm#Bio

  • I believe you.

    If anyone compares the photographic styles of these two guys will find similarities but also differences; at the end, both of you are very good photographers.

    On the other hand, the greatest, huge difference between you two is regarding the videos you shoot. Henry shoots and edits high quality professional videos, while Antonio doesn't have a clue, he's on an amateur/homemade level(check Elena's vids to see what I'm talking about: https://www.thenude.eu/Rebecca G_30829.htm#Videos). Maybe you Henry should teach Antonio also how to shoot nice videos, he desperately needs it.

  • I was wrong, this guy Henry and Antonio are the same person.

    Turns out this guy Antonio or Alexander, whatever his name is, lied to us. This guy, like many other photographers in the industry, is forced to use various pseudonyms to sell the photos and videos he produces and that's because Metart doesn't buy all that content from them; therefore, they must look for other websites that are Metart's competition to place their product there.

    That way, Alexander decided not only to create for himself a "commercial alter ego" called Henry Sharpe but he went beyond that and then developed a photographic and video shooting style completely different from his own.

    This wouldn't be a problem, if this guy Alexander hadn't come to this public blog to lie about his "imaginary friend" Henry.

    There is no excuse or justification that would allow you, Alexander, to lie to fans in the blatant way you did. Shame on you!

    ps. I found out about this situation, after watching the latest video of Rebecca G called Feeling released in Stunnig18, it is a behind the scenes video, there you can see Antonio/Alexander/Henry on his back shooting the girl and being that this photo gallery was released in MPLStudios with the name of Pure Indulgance and that the author is Henry Sharpe, therefore, there is no doubt Antonio and Henry are the same guy.

  • By his own admission, Antonio Clemens is Henry Sharpe:

    And here Clemens is again posting one of Sharpe's photos on his VK page:

  • @Cygnus said:
    By his own admission, Antonio Clemens is Henry Sharpe:

    Your links are useless and Clemens doesn't admit anything there!

  • no posts on twitter for over a year

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