    [file_name] => andrea_ann-solo-3.trailer.mp4
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Karups PC Video: Well Worn Vagina

Karup's Older Women video added on Dec 26th, 2021

Andrea is a granny, but she also loves the finer things in life. Checking into a nice hotel, she gets a room that has a huge soaking bathtub in it. The very mature blonde goes into the bathroom and can’t wait to get in the tub. She slinks her way out of her black dress and then takes her bra off. Her tits are big and natural and her pussy is hairy. Sitting naked on the edge of the tub, she breaks out her big dildo, licks it, and sucks on it until she has it lubed up with her spit then she drives it deep into her still-tight pussy. Fucking herself feels so good, she ends up collapsing onto the floor where she furiously fucks her pussy until she cums all over her toy. Still lying on the bathroom floor, she puts the toy in her mouth and licks it clean.

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