Starring Sapphire
Released on Dec 23, 2019
Duration : 17:40
Tags: 5.7K (Video Quality) , Action (Action) , Bedroom (Coffee Shop) , Blonde (Hair) , Blue (Eyes) , Casual (Outfit) , Classroom (Coffee Shop) , Coffee Shop (Coffee Shop) , College Uniform (Outfit) , Dirty Talk (Action) , English (Nationality) , Large (Breasts) , Lounge (Coffee Shop) , Masturbation (Action) , Nurse (Outfit) , Striptease (Action) , Teasing (Action)

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Happy Wanker

You've recently met a nice girl and you need someone to talk to about it... Luckily for you, you have a friend like Sapphire who will listen to all of your problems... You tell her about this girl and how much you like her, but you don't really know what to do when it comes to sex... So you ask Sapphire for some advice on what to do on your first date and Sapphire suggest the "naked man" approach. You don't really know what she's on about and you ask her to show you what she means...

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