Gilded Light


  1. nerdboner says

    New subscriber! Just discovered this website! I feel like my life has been changed after discovering it. Hairless porn just doesn’t excite me the way you guys do! I really appreciate what you are all doing here! We need more hairy women in the world! You look beautiful, Nikki!

  2. Hairsuit64 says

    Awesome Nikki!!!! So hairy & hottt!!! <3

  3. shackwise11 says

    the best!!

  4. Yeah This Website Is Awesome!!!!!!!!!! I’ve Been A Fan Of Nikki From Early ATK Days!!!!!!! She’s Always Been A Turn ON With Her Natural Body!!!!!!!!!!!! Her Friends Are Killer Too!!!!!!!!!! Love That Body And LEGS!!!!!!!!!!

  5. One can never see too many pics of the always gorgeous and beautifully hairy Nikki!!!!

  6. why did you shoot the camera facing the sun and not with the sun in the back ?? sun is a natural perfect light, with doing against ?

    • Nikki Silver says

      It’s my backlit with a reflector style. If I shoot in full sun 1- I can’t open my eyes or look at the camera, or if I do, I’ll be squinting, most members like to see my beautiful eyes! 2- Have to deal with harsh shadows so my posing is limited to only shots where I’m open without any downward angles 3- the reflector makes very even and flattering light

      What I’ve been trying to do lately is one photoset backlit and then later in the day, when the sun is less intense do a photoset in full direct sun. I think have a diversity of lighting styles of the same model makes the content more interesting and also you get to see different facets of the persons body/body hair etc

      Anyways railbat, you seem to not be so into the backlit style, so I reccomend checking out the photosets shot with artifical light or in full sun, there are many.

  7. Bobbyf22 says


    You are a goddess. I am so turned on by you it drives me crazy!!!!
    Great job on your site. So sexy


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