With dainty feet propped up on the table and a glass of wine in her hand, bright-eyed beauty Clara Mia enjoys a night of relaxation while browsing the internet. It's been a long day of standing and walking-- a foot massage is the best remedy, so she starts to rub the pads once she has moved into the bedroom. Clara can't help but feel heated with her own ministrations, the tattooed brunette ends up licking and sucking on her toes as she strips off her clothes. And that's how Thomas found her: laying back on the bed, naked, and pleasuring herself. The sight of a gorgeous and sexy woman like Clara would make any man go wild, and the hunky gent did not waste time in joining her on the sheets. The sounds of sucking and kissing mingle with moans that fill the room as they ravish each other before Thomas turns his attention to her wet and aching pussy. Clara teases her partner with a foot job coupled with a sloppy blowjob, making him hard and needy enough to push her back into missionary and pound into her. They switch to sideways missionary, the petite babe taking the stiff cock deep into her hole while having her toes and the pads of her feet sucked and licked in between strokes. Clara Mia's firm ass is on full display when they decide to indulge in doggy, Thomas thrusting roughly into her as she screams and moans in delight. They continue to change positions, from reverse cowgirl to cowgirl, while Clara gives him a foot job here and there, pushing both of them further to the edge with their shared fetish. The horny minx finishes Thomas off between the soft pads of her feet, covering them with his cum before cleaning every drop of the cream off.

December 29, 2021


Comments (21)


Love this scene! Great footjob finish. Can we please get more of this typeof finis?


What happened to the usual perfect worship in the beginning? Feels way to rushed and the male doesnt take enough time to worship it like Bill Bailey was so good at...


oh my god clara mia her feet have perfect soles and i can't wait for the very sexy new models keep up the good work and happy new year andrew


Amazing scene, love every minute! Clara is fantastic I couldn't even make it to the end ;)


Last scenes have been amazing, great job


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