Karla R / ICGID: KR-00BR / #28827

Here you can discuss Karla R, ICGID: KR-00BR

Links to her model pages:


  • Covers have disappeared from her Femjoy model page & from the update pages.

    Also disappeared from Indexxx.com.

  • This is Mira Sheiner, not Karina! She born in Russia. Hair color - Red. She has tattoo on the back.

  • This is not Mira! It's a Karina from Kaunas!

  • Tony is a [expletive deleted]! Mira and Karla R is completely different girls!
    Karla R doesn't have any tattoos!
    [more expletives deleted].

  • Civilised, even robust discussion is something we encourage on this site. Insulting people you disagree with is not.

  • hahaha nice try guys! But this is one person! Post from Mira, double facepalm for her! Jack, are you blind?! Proof: http://tinypic.com/r/2wp2wcx/8

    For the Admins! Posts from: evil_imp, Palmer and Jack are false! THIS IS A LIE!! DO NOT FALL FOR THIS DECEPTION!

  • Vik
    You're good photoshoper. Karla R doesn't have a tattoo!
    Tony and Vic! Why do you hate Mira?
    Why do you insult her?

    And why do they offend Mira? Who gave them the right?
    I'm very sad for her! Her insulted for no reason!

  • Tony lied twice.
    Mira and Karla R is two completely different people. Karla R doesn't have tattoos. However, I've seen a lot of girls with tattoos as Mira.
    Mira wasn't born in Russia, she was born in Wroclaw. She moved to Russia.
    And compare people by their to tattoos very silly. Too many people copy tattoos from each other.

    Mira and Karla R have the different form of ears. Somebody starts to assert that it's plastic operation but I am sure that operation wasn't.
    These two girls have much of differences from body up to birthmarks, but they so long to enumerate...
    Tony and Vic really have a personal dislike to Mira.

  • http://www.femjoy.com/models/karlar

    Karla R removed from FemJoy. It means she will no longer take part in erotic photoshoots.
    I think there is no point to keep Karla R on thenude.eu. Page turned into mindless garbage.

    Admins! I advise you to delete this page. New links with Karla R we will not see anymore.
    But the insults in the comments will never end.

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