Betsi / ICGID: BX-00DS / #20013

Here you can discuss Betsi, ICGID: BX-00DS

Links to her model pages:


  • the 2010.10.22 cover is a pic of Maria D from 2008.06.16 - Mariah-9 [DO]. both sets have 60 pics. so this is either a Maria D cover with the wrong name/set #, or a Betsi cover with the wrong pic. probably the latter, i guess, so leave it here. but it needed explaining.

    btw, she is aka......? i'm thinking FJ, MA

  • Yes...I know her too! :) (:R

  • I have acquired the cover, if that is what has been holding you back from replacing the cover of Maria D with that of Betsi.

  • stevepri - sure send it along (:R

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