

James Deen


James Deen is bored and what better thing to do with his free time than tasting ketchup? Yep. That will be his goal for today - Taste all the ketchup! He sets out with 12 ketchup in front of him. He arranges them in an orderly fashion - they are lined up, labels facing front. They look like soldiers ready for battle, but truth is, it is James Deen who has to get his tongue ready. He can’t decide which end to start the tasting - but pretty soon decided to start left going to the right. He picks up the bottle and opened it. He squeezed out a generous amount on his hand and put it in his mouth. You can tell by his face that it is a bit sour and not enough sweetness. He drank some water to cleanse his palate then continued his ketchup-tasting session. He took the next bottle and did the same thing. He seemed to like the sour-sweet ratio on this one and didn’t make that much of a face as he swallows. He picked up the next bottle and inspected it a little before ingesting a small amount. He doesn’t wince that much from this one. He kept picking up the bottles, one after another, and squirting a bit of their contents onto his fingers, he puts it in his mouth to taste. He's now down to the last bottle on the queue. When he reached the final bottle, he decided he liked all of them so he took the water bottle beside him and started making a ketchup smoothie - a combination of ALL ketchup sitting on the table. What better way to taste all if not mix them? He finished making the liquid monstrosity and bravely chugged it all down.


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