Kristina Fey / ICGID: KF-83HT / #21075



  • @searchlight said:
    As near as I can figure, Kristina was active for only six years (2002 to 2008). I suspect her early non-nude sets were done prior to her turning 18, and it is likely that she had a large inventory of work that slowly got released before the last of it appeared in 2008. All told she had about 30,000 photos and a few dozen videos which is a quite a body of work for such a short period of time. She is still one of my favorites. Hopefully she started a nice new life doing something totally different.

    Interesting approach to the matter. So another "martyr" who did something she did not like. I think that to shoot so many films and make so many photos, you have to like this "profession" a bit. Money is not everything.

  • I think you read something in my comment that I never intended. Few models make it to a 10-year anniversary. The Three Rs set in - repetition, wrinkles and redundancy. There are only so many ways to take your clothes off, the industry favors the young, and new models are constantly showing up. I certainly never called her a 'martyr' but I can see how giving this up might have not led to any tears. Ultimately, it's a dead end. It's not that much different than pro sports - you get a few years, hopefully sock some money away and it's on to the whatever adventure awaits.

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