Phiby / ICGID: PX-84RH / #4309



  • Sexy skinny goddess.

  • Phiby aka Anya is al perfect slim petite nice looking girl.

    She deserves a top 10 rating. A man how doesn´t like her is crazy.

  • F...k the votes ! Damn, she's pretty

  • I read the comments and thought I'd update some info.

    Phiby now lives outside a small town in the Western U.S. with an American writer. I've been friends with him for a long time and have gotten to know Phiby. They are very much in love and plan on getting married and starting a family in the near future.

    She's always loved horses, and they have a modest ranch. So, she spends most days caring for them, mucking the stalls, riding, etc.

    As to the question of drugs, etc. Those old pics were taken when she was very ill. She barely drinks alcohol and would never touch a drug. She's very happy and healthy. And, in person, she's far more beautiful than in her old photos.

    Since she wants to be a mom, she stopped posing years ago. You won't ever see anything new by her. She's wicked smart, speaks four languages, loves movies, and has a very quick wit. I guess being around Aaron has rubbed off on her because she's also writing a children's book about the adventures of a hedgehog.

    Anyway, for those genuinely interested in her as a person, I thought you might want to know what happened to her. She's a cool lady.

  • So maybe you should put a "Retired" date in her bio?

  • Monroe - Trouble is new sets are still being published (:R

  • @Keith D

    rarely read such a waste ;)

  • Guys ... Are you serious? Look at the pics. They are ALL from old stuff shot a LONNNNNNG time ago.

    She is retired. Period.

    MPL is really a scummy organization. They require 400-500 pics per submission. They publish 80-100 or whatever. The rest sit on their servers ... for ALL models. They pay once, and whenever money's tight, they pull from the old stuff.

    Don't believe me? Look at the preview pics on MPL's site for Phiby's "latest" set. Now ... Go to 2008 -- Yes, 2008 -- Look at "Swimsuit Paradise 2." See a familiar setting? See a bikini top that's just stick-on butterflies over her nipples? Still think she's publishing NEW stuff?

    Dude ... Seriously!!

    One last thing ... She retired for a lot of reasons (ready for a different life, etc.) ... BUT ... One big factor was that the a-holes at MPL never paid her for the last six sets. That also meant Jan Svend (also an alias) didn't get paid either. He also stopped giving them anything. If you EVER see anything recent on their pathetic site with him listed as the photographer, you can be 100% certain it is old stuff pulled off their hard drives. He will never trust them again.

    In the immortal words of Abe Lincoln, "It's better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak (or write) and remove all doubt."

  • Keith D :

    Is she interested in online friendship by any chance?

    she looks like an interesting person indeed. and that's a nice way of living, unlike all those frenzied people running all the time.

    4 languages? I guess russian, english, japanese and... ?

  • You've convinced ME that she's retired -- but Russell hasn't budged. Her bio still doesn't have any date -- or even just "Yes" -- next to "Retired."

  • What retirement date would be most appropriate?

    The problem is that as soon as I put a retirement date I'll get a million emails/comments that she's still posing, just had a set published etc etc.

    But gimme a date and we'll try it out! (:R

  • If a date doesn't seem appropriate, then just put "Yes" to indicate that she has retired. The people who argue that the continued dribbling of old stuff paraded as new means she hasn't retired simply haven't been paying attention.

    Is there any model in this entire database who DOES have a date on that field? I know there are other models who have certainly retired, but that field remains empty. If the field is empty for EVERY model, then maybe the field is useless, and can be deleted entirely.

    If it is there to serve a purpose, certainlt THIS model satisfies, as we have direct quoted and unambiguous word that she has retired, old stuff emerging notwithstanding.

  • Maybe the answer is to leave the field there (with "Yes" for this model), but add a qualifier indicating that this refers to NEW material, and old stuff photographed years ago but never released can still appear from time to time.

  • I think it's quite obvious that she's retired. I mean, even without this big story; take a look at all "new" sets and you'll see that they're either re-issues or just have her at the age of some old photos.

    Also I noticed that up to December 2009 there were new sets; and then, starting 2010, only different reissues, Collector Cuts and stuff (and later, in few months, some "new" sets that were shot long ago). So maybe it would be appropriate to mark Dec 2009 / Jan 2010 as a date of last "new" sets?

    P.S. That's only my IMHO, but Anya was one of those models whose nude photos are more beautiful than erotic in a pornographic sense. I see beauty there, I don't see platitude. And that's probably which makes her so unique and really a one who you admire, not just, well, love the looks of.

  • Guys, Thanks for adding "retired" to her Bio page.

    One last favor ... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remove the link to Facebook page. It is FALSE!

    Fibby has reported this numerous times to Facebook to have it removed, but Facebook seems only to care about money these days.

    That page was created by a pathetic, wretched German guy, who appears to be mentally disturbed. He's tried for a long time to get Fibby's attention and even resorted to sending nude photos of himself (NOT a pretty sight) to an old, barely used email address of hers. Once she discovered the messages, she deleted the address, and this loser created that false page.

    Since you have such a popular and respected site, I am hoping the word will eventually filter out that all the "friends" are actually talking to a lonely and disturbed MAN, who has NO CONTACT with Fibby.


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