208 photosets

52 videos

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Many thanks to Mark for his help with the cover text translation and missing covers.

April 2008

Click thumbnail for full size image

Zhong Rui
as Zhong Rui
in "Power"
Zhong Rui
as Zhong Rui
in "Power"
Liu Jingjing
as Liu Jingjing
in "Beauty in Front of White Background"
69 images
Liu Jingjing
as Liu Jingjing
in "Beauty in Front of White Background"
69 images
Liu Jingjing
as Liu Jingjing
in "Beauty in Front of White Background"
69 images
Liu Jingjing
as Liu Jingjing
in "Beauty in Front of White Background"
69 images
Zhong Rui
as Zhong Rui
in "Show"
50 images
Zhong Rui
as Zhong Rui
in "Show"
50 images
Zhong Rui
as Zhong Rui
in "Show"
50 images
Liu Jingjing
as Liu Jingjing
in "Crafts"
80 images
Liu Jingjing
as Liu Jingjing
in "Crafts"
80 images